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North Carolina Chapter of the National Women in Agriculture Association


North Carolina Chapter Meeting of the National Women in Agriculture Association
Saturday, August 10th at 3:00 p.m.

Bobbette Fagel, owner of Briar Creek Farm, is proud to announce the official start of the North Carolina Chapter of the National Women in Agriculture Association (NWIAA) . Bobbette is the North Carolina Chapter Chairwoman and will be sponsoring its first meeting on Saturday, August 10th at 3:00 p.m. The event will be at Bobbette's farm in Ruffin, North Carolina. Briar Creek's Farm's address is 244 Schoolfield Rd., Ruffin, NC 27326.

NWIAA is the largest agricultural organization for women in the world, and is committed to providing equality and sustainable opportunities for women farmers and at-risk youth. Chapters develop projects that are unique to their community, with the common goal of empowering those in need to obtain the skills and resources needed for growing food and creating agriculture-based economic opportunities.

The meeting on August 10th will include various topics that are being developed. However, we do know that the upcoming 9th Annual Women in Agriculture Prosperity Symposium will be discussed!!

If you are a woman that lives in North Carolina or near by, please join us for the very first chapter meeting of the North Carolina Chapter of the National Women in Agriculture Association!!

For more information on NWIAA, you may view the organization's wesite at

Thank you,

Bobbette R. Fagel, Owner

Birar Creek Farm


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